Our Bridal Party

The Ladies

Nancy Seibel
Nancy and I meet about 9 years ago working at a grocery store while in school. Nancy and I always have a lot of fun together whether it was going to the bars, watching movies, shopping, or one of our many road trips. Nancy has recently moved to Halifax with her husband Rob and their daughter Lucy. I am very excited to have Nancy as my Maid Of Honor on this special day.

Kim Hill
Kim and I meet about 4 years ago, in an unusual situation. Kim and I hit it off from the start as we are much a like. Kim and I have had a lot of fun nights at “Joe Kools” dancing the night away. Kim lives in London with her son Ethan. Kim has been helping me out with all the wedding planning and I am not sure what I would do without her. I am exciting to have Kim stand up for me on this special day.

Katie Green-Bacinello
Katie and I have been best friends since high school. Katie and I have been through a lot together over the years, and have a lot great memories together. Katie lives in Toronto with her husband Mike. I am happy Katie is standing up for me, as I couldn’t imagine this day without her.

The Gents

Kevin Steele
Kevin and I have been friends for 3 years. We met working at Roger’s and instantly became friends. We really got to know each other at work being on the same shift and went for coffee from time to time on days off. Kevin is lucky to have a wonderful family including his beautiful wife Kat, and two children Sawyer and Sean. I’m lucky to have Kevin as my Best Man.

Cory Little
Cory has been a long time friend of over 10 years. We met working at a gas station in London. We both moved on but remained friends. Cory and I periodically stayed in contact for the four years I was out west, when I returned to London we hung out like I had never left.  I have always had a lot of respect for Cory, valued his opinion and advice.

Dan Chelchowski
I met Dan working at Rogers. We really got to know each other when commuting together to Kitchener on a training course last year that lasted two weeks. Since then we have hung out a few times, had a few beers, and just relaxed. Dan is married to his lovely wife Lindsey. I respect Dan’s work ethic and look to him for advice on difficult situations at work.

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